Monday, February 21, 2011

Moving a little more

This week I tried to move a little more than I have been.  Part of it is my busy schedule.  Part of it is being LAZY!  I managed DDR, Hot Yoga, Yoga, and a 2 hour walk...not bad for a week.  I need to keep it up.  I have noticed when I am is easier to lose weight.  It is easier to keep on track.  I feel better.  I weighed in and lost a pound this week.  I am 9 lbs away from my goal.  I know that sounds awesome...but let me in on a little secret.  I have been here for two years.  My first year of weight loss, I lost 50 lbs.  My second year, I lost 14 lbs...and now, I sit on this 9 lbs.  I usually get as close as 8 lbs...and then I give up.  I don't gain it all back...but I gain 5-10 lbs...and maintain.  This is the year.  I keep telling myself 2011 is the year I WILL hit my goal!

I have also discovered something else.  Crazy Bread, okay, I have always known about it.  But, I never knew the serving size or how many points....there are 8 pieces of bread in that bag.  I have always eaten the WHOLE BAG.  Guess how many points per piece?  3 points per piece...which means it is 24 points for the WHOLE BAG.  EEK I only get 29 in a day.  It could be more...usually the more servings, the points value goes up.  SERVING has never been more important than now for me to pay attention to this!  Now...instead of throwing in the towel for the week.  I am going to count my losses, know this is a lesson that I had to learn (I crave crazy bread a lot).  And...I will not let a bag of crazy bread stand between me and my goal.  I will just do better the rest of the week.

Happy Losing!

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