Sunday, February 7, 2010


It has been two weeks since I weighed in. I lost .4 (probably the same .4 I gained a couple weeks ago in Seattle). Saturday was a pretty good day for the morning I ate a Twisp's in LL...yummy strata and fruit. For lunch I had soup, apple, cheese and crackers. For dinner it was Red may ask, what do you get there? Usually I get a burger with no bun and eat very few fries. But this time I got the Burger and greens...which is a burger with cheese, onions, and mushrooms on top of a salad with greens, purple cabbage, red peppers, tomatoes, and other veggies...there is cheese sprinkled through...but not too much. I usually get ranch on the side and dip my fork in before taking a bite...for a slight flavor of dressing but not too much. I drank water...and left satisfied but not stuffed or even really full! Probably more points that I am allotted...but I have been listening to my stomach for being full, being satisfied, being stuffed. One strategy I have been using is to eat...and then wait. If I am still hungry in 20 minutes to a half hour, I may have more. But, most of the time I am not hungry. Also I have been trying to slow down when I do eat...sometimes it is difficult because I am STARVING and can't seem to slow down. When I think of it I put my fork down and take a few breaths and talk...before eating again.

My body seems to be stuck at this weight. I have been thinner...well 183...but it didn't last long. I could stay weeks and weeks at this weight! It drives me NUTS! This week I am going to try and limit my eating, snacks and portions...and add a little more activity. Maybe this will get me to 185...a little closer to goal!

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