Sunday, January 16, 2011

Off went the Holiday Weight

So, for those of you doubting the WW process...this past week I tracked, I meal planned, I exercised and took off 5.6 lbs!  Yep, you read it correctly!  I was sooooo excited.  Now, I kept on the plan!  When I go off is when I have the problems.  Thursday and Friday went okay until Friday night.  I took wine and veggies to a get together with the ladies...and we had soup...also nutritious...what I didn't take into effect was the cheesy bread and the homemade chocolate cake (from scratch)...I was doing okay until I made the fateful decision to have MORE...which became the beginning of the end.  I managed to come home feeling REALLY ILL...happy to have ate what I did...but sad that I couldn't use MODERATION.  Still a struggle for me!  UGH!  Needless to say I think this week at the scale will show a weight gain.  I am tracking, exercising and really paying attention to how I feel.  Tonight I am eating away from home again.  I am making a WW recipe and there will be dessert....I need to just be MODERATE...there is nothing wrong with eating yummy things...just need to eat a little, enjoy it, and then move on!